
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First project with my Gypsy !!!

So, first I have to admit that the night I got my Gypsy I was having a lot of buyer's remorse. I bought it on a whim and felt guilty about it. Then, I tried to use it and it kept freezing up, wouldn't update etc; After about 5 hours I figured it out and was able to play with it.
It is absolutely going to take some practice as I've come really accustomed to using the books, key pads etc; with the cartridges. However, I LOVED how I could cut so much at one time and being able to weld letters together to make words is awesome.

I made this for the Tacky Tuesday Challenge hosted by septemberninth. The challenge was to use a cow and a sentiment using either "moo" or "udderly". So, this is my cute (and a little cheesy) submission!
 The cow is from Create A  Critter and the moon and stars are from Toy Story.


  1. I hear you about buyers remorse! I did the same thing---panic the minute you hit the submit order button! But I am so so happy with it now! And I keep telling myself what a great deal I got on it. And I honestly feel like I get more out of my cartridges now then I was before. You will love it! Mine also took an insane amount of time to update, as did one of my friends....that is the one down side I are so excited to use it and upload all your cartridges, but it takes hours and hours and hours to update it to the point where you can do that! Have fun! Great project too by the way! :)


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